Award winning coffee beans are something we are proud of and it makes us so proud to have recently won a Bronze!
We are so proud of Brad, our roaster, who will be flying to Melbourne to attend MICE, Melbourne International Coffee Exhibition to receive his award.
If you haven’t tried our award winning Karvan Blend #2 then now is definitely the time to give it a go!
In the cup your tastebuds will experience a sweet fruity flavour with a rich, complex, syrupy body and a mellow milk chocolate, butter and caramel finish. Is your mouth watering? Our’s is….
PS. Fast track to 2020 and our Blend #2 has been winning awards for the last ten years. It has certainly stood the test of time and proven itself in the Perth cafe scene. Consistently good and delicious as a long black coffee or served with milk. Our roasting team are passionate about the coffee that they roast. So much time goes into purchasing high quality green beans – sample roasting, cupping, testing moisture and density and of course flavour. Award winning coffee beans are not a simple achievement and in a very competitive market we couldn’t be prouder of our team.